Cancel a Case
Jon Quinton avatar
Written by Jon Quinton
Updated over a week ago

Cancel a Case

This provides step-by-step instructions on how to cancel a case on the Opologic platform. By following these steps, users will be able to easily navigate to the necessary page, locate the desired case, edit the case information, and save the changes. This guide is essential for anyone looking to cancel a case on the Opologic platform efficiently.

2. Click "Cases"

3. Click the "Search Cases (Patient ref or Case #)" field. Enter case details you want to find.

4. Click line of case you want to edit

5. Click the bin icon

6. Choose option "Cancel"

Tip: Cancel Case - Sets status to cancelled but retains the data of the case, for the purpose of retaining data on cancellations. This action triggers alerts for all stakeholders.

Alert: Delete Case - Removes all data related to the case. This action is only available to Admin users.

7. Click "Confirm"

8. Case will be now be cancelled

Search for cancelled case

9. On Cases tab use search box to find canceled case

Activate the 'Show cancelled' filter

10. Cancelled case will be available to view

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