This guide provides a step-by-step process on how to quarantine a set using a specific online tool. By following these instructions, users will be able to efficiently navigate the tool and properly quarantine a set, ensuring that any broken instruments are identified and addressed.
1. Navigate to
2. Click "Sets" in left hand side menu
Quarantine Set
3. Find the set you want to quarantine and click the line
4. in the action panel on the right hand side Click "Quarantine"
5. The pop up modal displays the kit BOM, you can select items from this list to represent specific quarantined items.
6. Make notes relating to the quarantine in text box
Click "Quarantine" to quarantine kit
Alert: Once a set has been quarantined it cannot be shipped on an order.
Release from Quarantine
7. Set sets men, find the set that is quarantined. Click on the line so action panel appears on the right hand side
8. Click "Make Available" in the action panel
9. Click "Confirm" to release item from quarantine.
Set will now be returned to loan fleet and can be shipped on orders.