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Replenish set inventory
Jon Quinton avatar
Written by Jon Quinton
Updated over a year ago

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to replenish kit inventory using a specific website. It includes detailed actions such as searching for a kit, selecting quantities, entering dates, and submitting orders. If you need to restock kits, this guide will help you navigate the process efficiently.

2. Find the set you want to replenish using search function.

Click the line of set you want to replenish so, action panel appears

3. Click "Replenish" button

4. Information: Step batch-controlled and non-batch-controlled items work differently.

If replenishing batch controlled items you will be asked to enter lot codes.

Non-batch controlled items will not ask for lot codes.

Lot / Batch Controlled Replenishment

5. Find the items in the BOM you want to replenish.

If batch-controlled- click the qty

Note: Orange coloured numbers represent items where qty is less than the required set qty

6. This will open modal.

Enter Lot of item you are replenishing into the set.

7. Enter an expiry date if required.

8. Use date picker to select expiry date

9. Click "OK"

10. Click "Submit"

Non batch / lot controlled items

11. Click the "+" icon to re allocate qty to set

12. When finished replenishment

Click "Back to Sets"

13. The set will no longer show 'Incomplete' provided you replenished all items into set.

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