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Create a new kit and BOM

This work instruction covers adding new kits to the system with there associated bill of materials

Jon Quinton avatar
Written by Jon Quinton
Updated over 3 months ago

Create Kit

2. Open 'Settings'

3. Open the 'Kits' menu

4. Click "Add Kit"

5. Click the "Name" field and your description of the 'Kit', click the id filed and add your kit id (This is tyupically more of a product code for reordering purposes)

6. Select the 'Type' of kit this is from the drop down. (This has an impact on the order of the booking flow)

7. Click "Add Kit" button

8. Click the "Search Kits" field an find the kit you just added.

Add BOM (Bill of Materials / Checklist)

9. Once found click on its line to bring up the action bar on the right hand side

10. Click the 'Bill of Materials' section in action bar

11. Begin building Bill of Materials by first adding a section. Click on the kit code header so that it is highlighted.

12. Click "Add Section"

13. Add a sections name and a subtitle, then click 'Add Section'.

Tip: Sections are a way of dividing up your checklist. This is often either to represent a physical tray layout, or to make distinction between instruments and implants.

Add items to BOM

14. Click "Add"

15. Click "Add Items"

16. Select items required from list. This list is your item master, if items are not in item master you can not add these to kit BOM.

17. Click "Submit" to add items to BOM.

Add image to BOM

18. Click "Edit"

19. Click "Upload" and select your image from file. Max 500KB

20. Click "Save Changes"

Edit BOM qtys

21. Click on pencil on SKU line

22. Adjust to required qty

23. Save by clicking the 'Tick' icon

Tip: Repeat this to add additional sections in the BOM.

Assign BOM a Brand for booking logic

24. Find the kit you have just created

25. click on the line to open the action panel

26. Click 'Brands'

27. Select the associated brand with the kit

28. Click "Submit"

29. Click 'Save'

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