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Create a loan booking in the web portal
Create a loan booking in the web portal
Jon Quinton avatar
Written by Jon Quinton
Updated over a week ago

Create a loan booking in web portal

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a loan booking in the web portal. It explains how to add a case, select a date, surgeon, hospital, procedure type, and other necessary details.

2. Click "Cases"

3. Click "Add Case"

4. Click the "Case Date" field

5. Select Case Date from calendar

6. Click "OK"

7. Select surgeon from dropdown list

Tip: The system applies logic to the booking flow.

This drives visibility for you on Surgeons, Hospitals and Procedures. If you do not see the hospital needed contact system admin.

8. Select Hospital from drop down list.

9. Select your procedure type

10. If prompted select a procedure option

11. If prompted select 'Flow' connected with proceedure

12. Click "Next" to confirm options

Alert: We recommend you use de-identified patient references where possible

13. Add your patient reference

14. Select the product brand required for booking, by checking boxes.

Hit 'Next' button to confirm

15. Select required kits and items from the list

Tip: Loan or Consignment

Using the "Type" field you can switch between loan and consignment booking on this screen.

16. Click "Next" to confirm selection

17. Add additional booking notes if required

18. Select delivery address from list if required, and hit "Next" button to confirm

19. The final screen shows a summary for review. Once booking is correct click "Save" to confirm booking.

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