How to consign a set(s) to hospitals
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to consign a set(s) to hospitals. It includes a specific website link and details on each click to follow. By viewing this guide, you can learn how to navigate the website and complete the consignment process effectively.
1. Navigate to
2. Navigate to the Sets tab in left-hand menu.
Find the set number you want to consign, you can use the search function if you have a lot of sets. Click on the line to open action panel on right hand side
3. Click "Consign" button
4. Click "Abbotsford Private Hospital"
5. Click here.
6. Select sub-location if hospital is setup with them.
Select review period months - This will trigger automated reporting
7. Add a note if required.
Click "Consign" to complete
8. Once set is consigned you can add a PDF document ie Consignment Agreement. Click 'upload' in action panel.
Select document from your computer