Hospitals Settings Panel
Jon Quinton avatar
Written by Jon Quinton
Updated over a week ago

Users with admin permissions can access and edit the hospital list in the hospital panel, to add new hospitals, create inventory locations for future stock counting, and delivery address options for kit shipping. These hospitals are then assigned to surgeons in the surgeon settings panel.

This hospital panel can be found by access the admin panel via the settings button on the top right of any page.

If you don’t see this settings button you don’t have admin permissions. Please contact an admin for support!


From the admin menu simply select hospitals to access the dedicated hospital page.




The main hospital page shows a table of all existing hospitals. To create a new hospital please click on the Add Hospital button highlighted below to launch the modal.


Name - Provide a name for the hospital.

Country - Select the appropriate country from the drop down list.

Street - Add the street address for the Hospital.

City - Add the city for the Hospital.

State - Add the state for the Hospital.

Postcode - Add the postcode for the Hospital.

Make sure you provide a correct address for each hospital as this will be used as the default shipping address for any kit shipping!

Once the hospital has been created you can select it in the hospital table to add Inventory locations and additional delivery addresses.

Add Inventory Locations

Click to select a hospital and the info panel will appear to the right.


Click on the Edit within the inventory locations input to activate the Add location modal.

Inventory locations are only used for stock counting.


New Location - Add a suitable name for the new location and click on the Add Button to add it to the list of locations below.

You can add any number of inventory locations to this hospital and they will all appear in the locations table where if required you can choose to delete a location by clicking on the bin icon next to the location you wish to delete.

With all required locations added press submit to close the Add Location modal and click the save changes in the hospital info panel to save the new list of locations.


Don’t forget to save changes before exiting the hospital page otherwise all changes will be lost!

Add Delivery Addresses

You may want to add additional addresses to a hospital that can then be used as an alternate delivery address when a case is created for that hospital.

The original address will act as the default delivery address until more addresses are added and an alternative address is selected as the new default!

Click on the Edit within the Delivery Addresses input on the info panel for the hospital to activate the Add delivery address modal.


Address - Provide a street address for this delivery (Building names, and unit numbers are added later)

The system uses Google maps to validate your address - please choose from the dropdown list to select a valid street address.

The next inputs are optional and can be added to further assist with enhancing the delivery address!

Apartment - Add in any apartment information related to the address.

Building name - Add in any required building name related to the address.

Neighbourhood - Add in any additional neighbourhood info.

Department - Add in any required department related to the address.

Attention to - Provide a name that will be used related to this delivery address.

Phone - Provide a relevant contact number for this delivery address.

For every new delivery address you will need provide a suitable Label (name) for it. Please pick a name that provides some context as it will be one of the primary pieces of information that the user uses to make the appropriate selection.

Label - Add the suitable label (name) for this address.

Click on the Add button to add this new address into the address list below.

Use the checkbox next to the address that you wish to be the default delivery address for the hospital. If selected as default it will be the first address that the user sees when they create a case against this hospital.


Click submit and then Save Changes to save this new address data.

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