This short article will show you the steps required to create a new inventory count on the mobile.
From the Customers bottom navigation, Click on the Counts tab and then on the Add Count button (+) to launch the Create Count modal.
1. A Free Count is a manual inventory count that is not referencing any item information. It is open for the user to add items manually via the scanning functionality (on mobile device) to pull data from barcodes, labels or to manually type item related information such as REF and Expiry information into the count.
2. Select a Location from the list.
3. If applicable a user can select a Sub-location from the carousel. Note: Inventory sub-locations need to be added to the Location in settings via Admin in order to be available in the list.
4. If desired add a Count Name to this count for additional future reference (not mandatory).
5. A count can also be given a Due Date which will prompt any assigned users if the Count reaches its due date and has yet to be completed. (Not mandatory)
Click create to create the new count.
NOTE: Admins can view and edit all counts in their organisation.
You will be asked if you want to start the count now or later, if you hit Start then you will be taken directly to the scanning (input) screen where you can begin to scan barcodes or manually add item information.
Alternatively you can hit Later and the count will be saved and added to your count list for actioning at a later date.
If you start the count on count creation you can immediately start adding items by scanning industry specific barcodes, or use our O.L.R.S system to extract item information from labels.
Hit the current scan mode in the top left (for example GS1) to launch the Scan Mode selector page.
Selecting one of the available modes takes you immediately back to the scanning screen to allow you to continue capturing item information.
When a barcode is successfully scanned the user can adjust the QTY using the + or - buttons accordingly or click on the number to launch the keypad and type a new number.
NOTE: Supporting notes can be added from the Notes section at any time from the Count screen.
All items added to the count can be viewed on the Summary screen and any entry can be edited by clicking on the item to launch the edit item view.
When complete the user can submit the count via either the bottom of the summary screen or the count
Completed counts are automatically moved to the Completed Count list and can be viewed at a later date by searching the Completed list.