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Add Inventory Count via Web (Free Count)
Add Inventory Count via Web (Free Count)
Jon Quinton avatar
Written by Jon Quinton
Updated over a week ago

This short article will show you the steps required to create a new inventory count.

From the Counts Panel, click on the Add Count button to launch the Create Count modal.


To create a New Count begin by selecting Free Count (default) from the Count Type drop down.

1. A Free Count is a manual inventory count that is not referencing any item information. It is open for the user to add items manually via the scanning functionality (on mobile device) to pull data from barcodes, labels or to manually type item related information such as REF and Expiry information into the count.

2. Select a Location from the list. The search box can be used to quickly filter the list to find the required location.

3. If applicable a user can select a Sub-location from the dropdown. Note: Inventory sub-locations need to be added to the Location in settings via Admin in order to be available in the drop down.

Click continue to progress to the next screen.


4. If desired add a Count Name to this count for additional future reference (not mandatory).

5. A count can also be given a Due Date which will prompt any assigned users if the Count reaches its due date and has yet to be completed. (Not mandatory)

Click continue to progress to the next screen.


6. Select one or more users within your organisation to be assigned to this count. These users will each be notified (iOS on mobile & web notification) and be able to add items to the count and submit the count. Each count requires a minimum of one user to be assigned to the count. You can use the search to filter the user list!

NOTE: Admins can view and edit all counts in their organisation.

7. Groups can also be added to a count which can simplify user assignment if Groups are configured within the organisation. One or more groups can be selected from the dropdown where applicable.

NOTE: A count can only be submitted once and by a single user.

Hit Submit to create this new count and launch the new Count Page.


From the new count page you can see all the count and user related information.

This count is now ready to be actioned and the assigned users can begin to add inventory information.

NOTE: Supporting notes can be added from the Notes section at any time.


Navigating back to the Count panel, this new count will appear in the table with the, Location, a Sub-location, Count Name and Due Date (if applicable) as well as a system generated Count ID for internal reference.

New Counts will have a status of Pending, until they are Overdue (not submitted before Due Date) or Completed.

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